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Marriage Applications

Marriage License Application

The Marriage Application requires notarized signatures of both parties and one witness who is at least 18 years old and acquainted with both individuals. The application process includes a $35 fee to apply and a 3-day waiting period before being valid. The fee also includes a certified copy of the marriage certificate once it has been recorded. 

Waiting Period

  • Apply on Monday, the license will be valid on Friday
  • Apply on Tuesday, the license will be valid on Saturday
  • Apply on Wednesday, the license will be valid on Sunday
  • Apply on Thursday, the license will be valid on the following Monday
  • Apply on Friday, the license will be valid on the following Tuesday

Effective July 1, 2019, vital records fees will be $15.00.

  • County vital records are regulated by the Iowa Department of Public Health by state laws and administrative rules.
  • Certified copies may be obtained by mail or in person only if the application is completely filled out and notarized. You also need to include a copy of your government photo ID and proof of entitlement to the record requested. Our office accepts checks or money orders through the mail.

Marriage records are available for years 1855 to the present.

Application for Certified Copies

Certified Copy Application Instructions
Certified copies are available to only those with entitlement. (i.e. person named on record (18 or older), mother or father (if named on record), spouse, brother or sister (if 18 or older), maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents (if father is named on record), children or legal representatives with entitlement of proof of blood relation or representation may be required.

To receive a certified copy of a Adams County Vital Record:

  1. Complete Application for Certified Copy form which is required to be signed in front of a notary public; and
  2. Provide copy of a current Driver’s License or other current government photo ID; and
  3. Submit $15.00 check or money order to:
    Adams County Recorder
    500 Ninth Street
    Corning, Iowa 50841

Vital Record Request

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