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Frequently Asked Questions

Birth Records


Can I get my birth record if I was born overseas?


Birth records of persons born in foreign countries who are citizens at birth may write to:

Passport Services Correspondence Branch
US Department of State
1111 19th Street NW Suite 510
Washington DC 20522-1705


How do I get my birth certificate?


To obtain a copy of your birth certificate come in person or apply by mail. We should have your record if you were born in Adams County, your parents were married at the time of your birth and you were not adopted. We also have single parent birth's after July of 1995 through present day. We may not have your birth certificate if you were born in the years 1921 through 1941. If you apply in person, you will need to fill out an application, bring your photo I.D., and $15.00 cash/check. If you apply by mail, complete and sign* the Vital Record Application. Please contact us for a vital record application. Please enclose the $15.00 fee in the form of cash, check, or money order. Once we receive your request, we’ll mail it out once we’ve processed your request.

*All signatures must be notarized. If the request is by mail, the applicant must sign in front of a Notary Public and include a clear photocopy of the applicant's current government-issued photo identification. Please call our office 641-322-3744 with any questions concerning vital records.


What's the difference between a certified copy and an uncertified copy?


A certified copy has what most refer to as a “raised seal” and states that the copy is a true and correct reproduction of the original record. An uncertified copy or a “plain” copy has no seal or verbiage indicating authenticity. An uncertified copy also has a stamp noting “not for legal purposes.”

Death & Marriage Records


How can we obtain a certified copy of death & marriage records?


Please contact us for a Vital Record Application for Certified Copy. Then complete the form and call our office at 641-322-3744, and we will assist you in the proper steps to complete the process either by mail or coming to our office.

Marriage License


Can a marriage license be applied for in Adams County if the marriage ceremony is to take place in a different county?


Yes, the license is valid in any county in the state of Iowa. It is not valid outside of Iowa. Contact the Recorder’s Office at 641-322-3744 or feel free to email us at and we will be happy to help you with any questions and send out the necessary forms.


Can we change our names through marriage?


Yes. In fact, a marriage provides the opportunity to legally change your name. Because of this, it is important to complete the application correctly and in full. Do not use initials or nicknames unless you wish them to become your legal name.


How and where do I apply for a marriage license?


Contact the Recorder's Office at 641-322-3744 or feel free to email us at, and we will be happy to help you with any questions.



Do you process licenses for the Iowa DNR?


Yes, the Adams County Recorder’s Office does process transactions for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This includes boat, snowmobile, ATV, ORM, and OHV titles/registrations. We also sell hunting and fishing licenses, along with deer and turkey tags. For more information, go to for all your hunting/fishing questions and/or season dates, etc.


How do I get a landowner deer/turkey tag?


Visit the Recorder’s Office or purchase online at the Iowa DNR website.


What are the hunting season dates?


Visit the Iowa DNR website for hunting season dates.


What do I bring to transfer a boat, ATV, snowmobile, or OHV?


Visit our Recreational Vehicles page and read what is necessary or call our office at 641-322-3744 and we will be happy to explain what paperwork is needed to complete your transaction.


What do I have to do if I bought a boat, ATV, snowmobile, or ORV, and I want to put it in my name?


Visit the Recorder's Office, or see our forms on our Recreational Vehicles page.

General Information


Can I mail in a new document(s) for recording?


Yes, you can mail in a new document(s) with proper recording payment. Feel free to call us at 641-322-3744 and confirm fees before mailing document(s) to our office.


Do you have property abstracts on file?


No. Abstracts are not filed in our office.


Does your office handle divorce records?


No. The Adams County Clerk of Court can help you with divorce records. You may contact them at 641-322-4711.


How do I add or take somebody off the title of my property?


You can file a deed in our office. We do not have blank forms available in our office. Many people have a lawyer create one, all documents recorded must meet our Iowa Document Formatting Standards.


How do I electronically file my new recording documents?


Please visit the Iowa Land Records website.


How do I find out if my mortgage has been released?


Call our office at 641-322-3744 and we can do a search in our local system. But keep in mind we do not guarantee that we have caught everything, you would have to contact the Corning Title Company at 641-322-4251. and they can guarantee their searches.


How do I get a copy of my deed to my property?


Please contact our office at 641-322-3744, and we will be happy to look it up for you or email us at with your information and we will be in touch.


How much for Transfer Tax?


Please see our Transfer Tax Calculator.


Is there a survey filed on my property?


Please contact our office at 641-322-3744, and we will be happy to look it up for you or email us at with your information and we will be in touch.


What are the other forms that may be needed with the transferring document?


Declaration of Value and a Groundwater Hazard Statement may be needed. You can find these forms on the Recorder Forms page.


What are your hours of business?


General office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.


What forms of payment do you accept?


Cash, checks, money orders, or credit/debit card are accepted.


Where are you located?


Adams County Courthouse

500 Ninth St.
Corning, IA 50841


Where do I find out the recording information for my mortgage or if the release of the mortgage has been filed?


Contact the recorder’s office or email us, but keep in mind we do not guarantee that we have caught everything. If you want a complete search contact the Corning Title Company at 641-322-4251.


Who can get a copy of a military record?


Veterans and next-of-kin of deceased veterans have full access to the record. Next-of-kin includes the un-remarried widow or widower, son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister of the deceased veteran.

If you are entitled, please complete the Application for Certified Copy or Photocopy of Military Record form and bring it to our office. We will be happy to complete your record request if entitled to the DD214.

For more information, please contact our Veteran’s Affairs Department at 641-322-4455.