Sunny · 68°



500 Ninth St.
Corning, IA 50841
Driving Directions

Contact Information

641-322-3747 (Fax)


Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Our Team

Jamie Stargell
Recorder/Vital Registrar
Cadie Silva


The Adams County Recorder maintains and provides retrieval services for a variety of records related to county residents and businesses.

The Office of the Iowa County Recorder was created by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa in 1839. Since the creation of the County Recorder’s office, numerous additional responsibilities have been added over the years.

The Adams County Recorder’s Office DOES NOT:

  • Provide legal services
  • Prepare legal documents

The Adams County Recorder’s office accepts Visa and MasterCard payments.

Record Preservation

Per Iowa Code 331.604, County Recorders are able to keep $1.00 per every recorded document to go towards record preservation. Adams County is dedicated to this work, and we are constantly working on inputting data and images into our computer system. Stop in and visit with us about the steps we are taking to preserve Adams County Records.

Learn More


Visit the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) website for more information.


Map & Directions