Oaths of Office Taken

The newly elected Supervisors, County Treasurer and County Recorder took their respective Oaths of Office Tuesday morning, December 27th , at the Board of Supervisors meeting in preparation for the beginning of the new yeat. Since all five supervisor districts were on the ballot in the November election, all five were sworn in.
Picure, from L to R, back row County Supervisors: Christ Standley, Supervisor District 5; Scott Akin, Supervisor District 3; Bobbi Maynes, Supervisor District 1; Leland Shipley, Supervisor District 4; Tony Hardisty, Supervisor District 2.
Front Row - Holly Schafer, Adams County Treasurer, Jamie Stargell, Adams County Recorder. Andy Knuth, Adams County Attorney has taken his oath earlier as he was not going to be present at the meeting.