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Permits & Policies

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County Right of Way Policy

Counties are charged with a right and a duty to remove obstacles identified as obstructions from within road Right of Way (ROW) under Iowa Code Chapter 318 Sections 4&5.  Alterations and other changes may not be made within the county ROW without a permit as stated in Chapter 318 Section 8 of Iowa Code.  Permits are available at the County Engineer’s office located at 2004 200th Street Corning, Iowa 50841. Permits obtained from are free of charge.

 It has been longstanding county policy to prohibit the construction of vertical headwalls, any fencing, etc. within the ROW.  It has also been longstanding county policy to prohibit the storage of equipment, feed, materials, etc. within the ROW.  These policies are in accordance with Chapter 318 Section 3 of Iowa Code.

Mailboxes located within the ROW are to be constructed to accepted standards. Mailboxes are to be supported on a wooden post comprised of a pine or fir species with nominal dimensions of 4 inch by 4 inch or less. Thin walled steel pipe 2 to 2 ½ inches in diameter, or an approved channel post may also be used.

Please be advised as Adams County is making efforts to clean and restore the ROW.  Removal of obstructions in advance by county citizens is appreciated. Obstacles which are not removed in advance of ROW restoration may be removed by county forces. Should county forces be utilized to remove obstructions from the ROW the land owner will be invoiced for costs incurred for the removal.  As obstructions are discovered they may be removed with or without notice because they represent a clear hazard to the traveling public.

Dust Control Policy

Adams County does not apply dust control, except in some cases when your road is established as a detour or haul road for another construction project. Adams County allows dust control on county roads starting in the spring of the year. Adams County requires notification from the company applying the dust control so the county can shape and blade the area to prepare for the dust control. Flags designating dust control areas must be placed by May 1st and kept visible until October 1st.   Flags are not only an identifier for the application of dust control product, specifically where the treatment should be applied, they also serve as a visual reminder for the blade operator of the treated area. The county reserves the right to blade treated areas if it is deemed necessary for the safety of the public, ie: pot holes, ruts, etc. The County will start blading through the dust control areas after October 1st to get the road prepared for winter.

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