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Boards & Commissions

Find a list of residents who are part of the various Adams County boards and commissions.

The Adams County Board of Supervisors is always looking for citizens to serve on the County's Boards and Commissions. Interested citizens should reach out to current Board of Supervisors members or to the Auditor's office.

Board of Health

Five members appointed to three-year terms, appointed by the Adams County Board of Supervisors.

Maria Fuller, Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 3 Years
Stephen Gruba, Vice-Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 3 Years
Rosie Bissell
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 3 Years
Lindsey Hogan
Term Ends: 12/31/27
Term Length: 3 Years
Diane Shipley
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 3 Years

Board of Review

The County Board of Review members are appointed by the Conference Board for terms of six years. The Board of Review shall meet during the month of May for regular session.

Terry Evans
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 6 Years
Judy Loonan
Term Ends: 12/31/30
Term Length: 6 Years
Maury Moore
Term Ends: 12/31/28
Term Length: 6 Years
Martin Olive
Term Ends: 12/31/27
Term Length: 6 Years
Greg Sackett
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 6 Years

Civil Service Commission

Code 341 A.2 - Six-year Terms

Patricia Getter, Board of Supervisors Appointee
Term Ends: 6/30/30
Term Length: 6 Years
Mike Grundman, County Attorney Appointee
Term Ends: 6/30/26
Term Length: 6 Years
Bill Lyddon, Board of Supervisors Appointee
Term Ends: 6/30/28
Term Length: 6 Years

Commission of Veterans Affairs

All members appointed to three-year terms.  The Board of Supervisors (re)appoints a member on July 1 of each year.

David Mullen, Chair
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length: 3 Years
Ben Mullen, Secretary
Term Ends: 6/30/26
Term Length: 3 Years
Cliff Mann
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length: 3 Years

Compensation Board

Four-year terms

Kristi Drake
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length: 4 Years
Michael Hogan
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length: 4 Years
Sandi Lammers
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length: 4 Years
Judy Loonan
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length: 4 Years
Jamie McManis
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length: 4 Years
Wayne Page
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length: 4 Years
Julia Paul
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length: 4 Years

Condemnation Board

The Adams County Board of Supervisors chose the following persons to serve on the Condemnation Board: REAL ESTATE DEALERS “Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers”, LOAN OFFICERS & BANKERS “Knowledge of…”, AGRICULTURE OWNERS “Owners/Operators of Ag…”, CITY PROPERTY OWNERS "Owners… of City"

Carson Cline
Knowledge of Property Value-Bankers, Auctioneers, Appraisers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Kelly Herring
Knowledge of Property Value-Bankers, Auctioneers, Appraisers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Kaleigh Kinser
Knowledge of Property Value-Bankers, Auctioneers, Appraisers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Julia Paul
Knowledge of Property Value-Bankers, Auctioneers, Appraisers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Amber Schaffer
Knowledge of Property Value-Bankers, Auctioneers, Appraisers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Jim Amdor
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Lowell Evans
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Michael Fourez
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Brian Kannas
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Judy Loonan
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Janice Shepherd
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Kyle Shipley
Owner-Operators of Agricultural Property Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Cliff Baldwin
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Dick Blazek
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Jerry Getter
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
John Greenlee
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Dean Lammers
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Warren Miller
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Pat Shipley
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Nicci Tucker
Owners-City and Town Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Logan Carlson
Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Merlin Dixon
Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Ed Drake
Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Jamie McManis
Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Casey Roberts
Real Estate-Salespersons or Brokers Committee
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:

Conference Board

The Conference Board for 2025 consists of: The mayors of all incorporated towns within the county, one member of the school board of each school district within the county, and The Adams County Board of Supervisors.

Scott Akin
Board of Supervisors
Howard Anderson
School Board Corning
Bobbi Baker-Maynes
Board of Supervisors
John Gebbie, Mayor
Don Gee
School Board Creston
Chris Gilbert, Mayor
Tony Hardisty
Board of Supervisors
Open Position
School Board Lenox
Leland Shipley
School Board Villisca
Leland Shipley
Board of Supervisors
Patricia Shipley, Mayor
Chris Standley
Board of Supervisors
Lisa Wilkinson, Mayor

Conservation Board

Five members appointed to five-year terms

Douglas Birt
Term Ends: 1/1/26
Term Length:
LuAnne Brown
Term Ends: 1/3/28
Term Length:
Marnie Cline
Term Ends: 1/4/27
Term Length:
Kyle Shipley
Term Ends: 1/1/29
Term Length:
Rob Tucker
Term Ends: 1/1/30
Term Length:

Crossroads Mental Heath Board

One county supervisor from Adams County is appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  The other individual is an Adams County resident appointed by the Crossroads Mental Health Board.  The Board meets on the 4th Monday of each month.

Betsy Akin
Bobbi Maynes

Emergency Management Commission

Scott Akin, Adams County Board of Supervisors
Term Ends: 1/2/24
Term Length:
John Gebbie, City of Carbon, Mayor
Term Ends: 1/2/24
Term Length:
Chris Gilbert, City of Corning, Mayor
Term Ends: 1/2/25
Term Length:
Alan Johannes, Sheriff
Adams County
Term Ends: 1/2/24
Term Length:
Pat Shipley, City of Nodaway, Mayor
Term Ends: 1/2/24
Term Length:
Lisa Wilkinson, City of Prescott, Mayor
Term Ends: 1/2/24
Term Length:

Examining Board

The Conference Board appoints the Examining Board.  Members are appointed to six-year staggered terms. 

School Boards
Term Ends: 12/31/24
Term Length: 6 Years
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 6 Years
Tonya Green
Term Ends: 12/31/28
Term Length: 6 Years

Historic Preservation Commission

Saundra Clem Leininger, Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length:
Nancy Carmichael, Vice Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length:
Linda Newsome, Secretary
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Jo Bissell
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Dick Blazek
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length:
Jon Brokaw
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Mike Cormack
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Marti Gebbie
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Roger Hull
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Jim Reynolds
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length:
Raelynne Risser

Human Services Board

Term ending January 2, 2026

Jeanne Birt
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Nicci Tucker
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Kathy West
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:

Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission

Three members appointed by the Board of Supervisors; Judge appointed by the Bar 2021-2026

Judge Dustria Relph
Anita Mittag
Wayne Rychnovsky
Rob Tucker

Medical Examiner

Appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a one-year term.

Steven Freeman, MD, Medical Examiner
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Open , Assistant Medical Examiner
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Lisa Brown, Medical Examiner Investigator
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:
Billi Henderson, Medical Examiner Investigator Assistant
Term Ends: 1/2/26
Term Length:

Project Board

3-year terms – private sector 1 year

Scott Akin
Chris Gilbert
City of Corning
Larry Kester
Private Sector
Wayne Pantini
Private Sector
Gary Poen
City of Nodaway
Raelynne Riser
Private Sector
Lisa Wilkinson
City of Prescott

Southern Iowa Regional Housing Authority

Appointed by Board of Supervisors for three-year term

Marilea Mullen
Term Ends: 4/1/27
Term Length: 3 Years

Southern Iowa Resource Conservation & Development Board

SIRC&D is overseen by a board of volunteer directors comprised of retired and active county supervisors and soil and water commissioners from the SIRC&D counties. Board of Directors’ Meetings are held monthly.

Robert Lundquist, Chairperson
Dennis Brown, Vice Chairperson
Union County
Vacant Position
Adair County
Chris Standley, Secretary
Adams County
Steve Knapp, Treasurer
Ringgold County
Vacant Position
Clarke County
Josh Waske, Member-At-Large
Kim Watson
Taylor County
Sam Wengryn
Decatur County

Veterans’ Affairs Commission

Cliff Mann, Chairman
Ben Mullen, Secretary
David Mullen, Member

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Five-year staggered terms

Elaine Calkins
Term Ends: 12/31/27
Term Length: 5 Years
Mike Cline
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 5 Years
Kristy Drake
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 5 Years
Kyle Shipley
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 5 Years
William Snyder
Term Ends: 12/31/28
Term Length: 5 Years

Zoning Commission

Five-year staggered terms. Five members appointed by the Adams County Board of Supervisors with the following terms.

Lynn Brandt
Term Ends: 12/31/27
Term Length: 5 Years
Jason McManis
Term Ends: 12/31/29
Term Length: 5 Years
Tony Mullen
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 5 Years
Patty Peterson
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 5 Years
Rob Tucker, Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/28
Term Length: 5 Years

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