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Sheriff’s Office
901 Davis Ave.
Corning, IA 50841
Driving Directions
Contact Information
641-322-3868 (Fax)
The Adams County Sheriffs Office serves as the only Law Enforcement for Adams County. There are no city or township police agencies.
The County Sheriff’s office is dedicated to the Safety and Welfare of Adams County and its residents.
The Adams County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to helping our youth. Members of the Sheriff's Office donate their time to help with youth groups, camps, school activities and local churches. We know that our youth is our future and by doing what we can now, we will help our youth grow up on the right track.
The Adams County Sheriff's Office has also joined with The State of Iowa and the Green Hills Area Education Agency in its protection of our youth. Safe or Substance Abuse Free Environments is one of those programs.
Our Team
- Alan Johannes, Adams County Sheriff
- Richard Miller, Chief Deputy
- Leo Nava, School Resource Officer
- Adrienne Anderson, Civil Clerk